Electrical / ELV
To prepare the most optimum design considering all the parameters and various alternatives.
To prepare the following Electrical & connected Technical drawings.
Conduit drawings for all floors both power & non-power [non- false ceiling area]
Lighting & physical layout drawings showing all measurements, levels & connectivity.
Internal distribution board wiring with colour coding for light/power/ UPS loads etc.
Floor wise Voice / TV cable / LAN networking drawings showing sockets / cabling / switches / racks / junction boxes / splitters etc
Internal Power / non-power cable / cable tray routing coordinating with medical gas piping etc.
Internal panel room / UPS / Server / EPABX detailing & locations.
Lift machine room electrical detailing.
HT substation/HT panel/Main & connected panel/Captive power [both big & small units] detailing with required cable trench drawings.
Master schematic drawing for automatic operation in the event of power failure or power cuts to run the system in both modes [EB/DG] in the peak hours and tune the operation of the DGs to start according to the load pattern.
Master Earthing scheme, taking into consideration of the soil resistivity, fault level of the local substation feeding our transformers, our internal substation capacity etc.
The lightning protection scheme, various surge arresting/protective devices drawings
The arrangement of the panels, panel front fascia dimensional drawings, elevation drawings of the HT/LT panels, transformer, generator, exhaust piping drawing etc.
Master Cable routing drawings right from the KSEB over head line to the consumers DP structure, internal cable routings to various blocks or services, landscaping etc.